Every now and then I'm force to sort through all the random pictures I've taken that clog up my iPhone and LX5. While I'm often surprised how I can easily snap 20 shots of the same subject (an unnecessary habit), I'll sometimes stumble upon a few gems that warm my heart and evoke memories of the moments I felt were so pleasant at the time.
An adorable handmade vase found at a friend's house.
A dimly lit entryway in an ultra modern apartment building in SOMA.
Driving through Pacific Heights with the top down on a clear night.
Red lips to offset a black and gray outfit I wore for a meeting.
New loafers.
Dining al freso at Pizzeria Delfina, an excellent people-watching spot in the Mission, with great company.
Keds and sidewalk scribble on Clayton at Carl.
Dog-watching at Crissy Field while sipping vino.
A perfectly made steak sandwich (not by me) with arugula and whole grain mustard. Just look at that meat!
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